Commander Daniel Stramel (AL Post 203) as well as members of the Department Finance committee presenting at the 105th Department of Nebraska American Legion Convention to the District Executive Committee (DEC).
Governor Pillen addressed those in attendance at the Convention where he included as part of the American Legion, the American Legion Auxiliary, the Sons of the American Legion, and the Legion Riders.
Chris Hansen Legion Post 203 and Legion Auxiliary Unit 203 hosted a dinner at the McCook Christian Church for the Nebraska American Legion Riders during an overnight stop in McCook on August 12th during their 2022 Legacy Run across Nebraska.
As citizens and veterans, Legionnaires have always fostered a strong connection to the men and women who serve the community by being the first to respond to a crisis. The Nebraska American Legion named its 2022 Law Enforcement Officer and 2022 Firefighter/EMS Officer of the Year at the Mid Year meeting.
(L to R) – Law Enforcement Officer of the Year Christopher Goley of Papillion, Nebraska Legion Commander Dan Benes, and Firefighter/EMS Officer of the Year James E. Liptrott of Bellevue.
Rick Sinner, Manager of Ace Hardware in McCook presents a donation to the members of American Legion Post 203 in McCook for $1,156.86. The donation was the result of Ace patrons "rounding up" their purchases to support the American Legion in the month of October.
To Rick, Ace Hardware, and to all who made a donation, we thank you for your support.
Members of American Legion District 9 met in Indianola, NE to discuss District business. Past National Commander, Mike Helm, spoke to the gathered Legion members.
Each year since 2022, American Legion Post 203 has helped to honor veterans by placing flags on veteran headstones for Memorial Day weekend and collecting them after. The American Legion also participates in a Memorial Day service that often includes a guest speaker. Some of our past speakers include:
To our past speakers, we are grateful for your time and effort as we honor our veterans each year. Bravo Zulu.
Members of McCook American Legion Post 203 present a $250 check to Barb Ostrum of the McCook Toy Box at McCook Hot Tub Brokers.
Legion members carried a 20' by 30' American Flag to lead the 2022 McCook Heritage Days Parade.
Bravo Zulu to all who marched and watched this annual community event.
American Legion Post 203, Boy Scout Troop 1147 and Cub Scout Pack 147 presented a 20' x 30' American Flag at the first McCook Bison home football game of 2022.
Bravo Zulu to the Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts who helped the Legion at this event. .
Mike Simmonds receives the "No Veteran Left Behind" membership excellence pin from Post Commander Dan Strammel and Post Adjutant, Chris Mehringer. Awarded by the American Legion National Commander, Paul E. Dillard, Mike demonstrated his commitment to recruiting by brining three new members into American Legion Chris Hansen Post 203.
Bravo Zulu, Mike!
Members of Farm Credit Services volunteered to clean headstone markers of veterans at the Memorial Park Cemetery in McCook on May 3.
On behalf of the families of those veterans, thank you for your time and dedication to serving others.
Thirty-eight veteran's from southwest Nebraska gathered for a Salute to Veterans at the McCook Christian Church on Nov 11th where they were served a free steak dinner in thanks for their service to our country. Chris Hansen American Legion Post 203 was on hand for the event.
"You are not forgotten", was the theme when McCook Community College and the student Veteran's group "Stars and Stripes" hosted Veterans and their families at a POW-MIA Day ceremony.
McCook Community College student Riley Sadd, one of the founding members of the new student Veteran organization “Stars And Stripes” speaks with Veteran Dan Stramel.